For My Girls for New Balance 550
‘TOUGH BUT SOFT.’ Girls coming together is one of the coolest things in the world. In a world dominated by the masculine-lens, spaces led by women and femmes are so critical and the authenticity of portraying one’s identities - and its intersections - is truly and authentically done by oneself.

This is precisely why creative production and consulting company, For My Girls, is so revolutionary. The space was conceived by Candace Redlinghys, Jehaan Galant and Ammaarah Abrahams - three fashion professionals and women of colour, who wanted to see their vision for fashion and creativity take up space in an industry awash with exclusion, tokenism and tropes: plus, they are some of the most sartorially-visioned people in the game. For us, the retro-style of the women’s New Balance 550 couldn’t be embodied better by the team at For My Girls. In this self-directed campaign by Candice, Jehaan and Ammaarah, we see the New Balance 500’s vintage heritage reinterpreted through a ‘soft but tough’ lens - with the FMG team using the unisex design of the 550 as a reference point for masculine and feminine styling considerations. We love seeing a sneaker as iconic as the 550 re-interpreted in new, fresh contexts.  

For My Girls is more than just a company or brand: it's a collective. As a team that encompasses creative directorship, art direction, make-up, styling, production, consulting and so much more - Candice, Jehaan and Ammaarah are uniquely positioned to not only service, but seed beautiful work that finds its roots in celebrate the feminine gaze and the richness of being women of colour - and they’re bringing other women and femmes along with them, as one of their key offerings is the ability to compose teams of women of colour for editorial, campaigns, commercials and more. As Candice, model and art director, says of their collective and its intentions, “For My Girls is a collective of women dedicated to doing anything to make space for women within the creative industry. We didn’t want to wait for the moment when ‘we’d made it’, we wanted to intentionally make a difference even as novices. We do this through creating production teams full of women & femmes with different skill sets and levels of experience. Through organising events such as picnics and markets for women and femmes to come together and share their stories, their concerns and even their joys. We utilise social media by creating content focused on the challenges & joys of being a woman in any industry and other issues pertaining to the well being and safety of women.”

It's often said that under a matriarchy, power becomes a circle: that women share their power and capacity beyond the hierarchical dynamics we are accustomed to in our society. For My Girls exemplify this, as they seek a different path that goes beyond the professional into the personal; to forge loving, honest and safe creative communities.  

On founding the collective, head stylist and COO Ammaarah explains that

“Candace always had the idea of forming a fully female team of colour who would take up space and create space for women in the creative industry. Together we formed For My Girls and later I introduced her to my best friend, Jehaan Galant and she became our makeup artist. I think our work seeks to showcase how women are both soft and strong. We are loving, nurturing, caring individuals but also strong in all aspects of our lives. I also think For My Girls aims to showcase just how capable we are, once given a chance.

For this New Balance 550 campaign, the team honed in on the digital girl-centric epitaph, ‘soft but tough’. On how they aimed to enliven their concept, Candice says

“our work seeks to showcase the soft, stoic strength every woman possesses. A strength that holds families together. A strength that collects the history of its community. Through conversation, through the sharing done of knowledge from mother to daughter. It seeks to celebrate the ultimate strength that being soft takes. To carve out your place in the world with a never ending grace, empathy and compassion. The wonderful fuzzy feeling of seeing a woman in a room and knowing that you’ve walked a similar path and if she needed me, I’d go the extra mile to take her further.” 

As Jehaan, FMG’s in-house make-up artist, says of building their proof of concept in all that they do, “I seek to show all elements of a woman through my art, whether it be bold and edgy, or soft and elegant. To show that both represent strength and beauty in its own way. Our concept for this New Balance campaign was built around being ‘soft but tough’, which to me means killing with kindness and compassion, but not being a pushover or letting anyone take advantage of you because of your soft demeanour.”

For Ammaarah, the vision is clear: taking up space and building a creative realm in South Africa and beyond is the responsibility of every creative. As she explains, “My vision would be one where younger people of colour are taking up more space in the industry and their voices being heard. Also where it is easier to network with individuals and where individuals are more open to helping others succeed in the industry whether it be through advice or mentorship and so on.”  

Women in creative industries wield immense power; shaping narratives, aesthetics and cultural landscapes. Amplifying voices and the cultural and creative stories unique to our city and beyond is our vision - and For My Girls couldn’t be more perfect to guide us on how to achieve the future of creativity  in South Africa. 

As Jehaan, FMG’s in-house make-up artist, says of building their proof of concept in all that they do,

“I seek to show all elements of a woman through my art, whether it be bold and edgy, or soft and elegant. To show that both represent strength and beauty in its own way. Our concept for this New Balance campaign was built around being ‘soft but tough’, which to me means killing with kindness and compassion, but not being a pushover or letting anyone take advantage of you because of your soft demeanour.”

For Ammaarah, the vision is clear: taking up space and building a creative realm in South Africa and beyond is the responsibility of every creative. As she explains,

“My vision would be one where younger people of colour are taking up more space in the industry and their voices being heard. Also where it is easier to network with individuals and where individuals are more open to helping others succeed in the industry whether it be through advice or mentorship and so on.”  

Women in creative industries wield immense power; shaping narratives, aesthetics and cultural landscapes. Amplifying voices and the cultural and creative stories unique to our city and beyond is our vision - and For My Girls couldn’t be more perfect to guide us on how to achieve the future of creativity  in South Africa. 

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