AuthorJack lemkus online admin
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For the celebration of ‘The Year of 23’, the release of the Air Jordan ‘GRATITUDE’ 11 could only align with one person; Quinton Robertson, a drifting-master, pioneer of Air Suspensions in South Africa and the owner of Q-Beams Suspension. As a legend in the car scene, Quinton faced numerous challenges sourcing affordable parts for older cars accessible to the younger generation. Without formal education, Quinton invested in equipment to independently produce his own air suspension components, eventually realising his automotive vision - this earned him the recognition as a pioneer of air suspension in the country and successfully established a business from the ground up. Q-Beams Suspension and Body Workshop is a birthplace of dreams, and expresses the creative grit and determination of the Cape Flats; a region in Cape Town that is rich with culture, as powerful shapers of South Africa’s creative expression.

For Quinton, gratitude is made manifest through drifting - and his team and friends are people who are willing to take risks to be free. Q-Beam’s body workshop is centred on car modification and community, and he explains that “the drifting community is an intriguing space. I feel grateful to do what I do - my shop has inspired a younger generation to come up, and I think we are going to see even more growth of the scene in Cape Town, for years to come.”
On the experience of drifting - using skill to counteract an intentional loss of control - Quinton says, “once you pull away from the line, your adrenaline starts pumping - suddenly, there’s nothing on your mind anymore. It's just pure muscle memory and it's just you, your feet, your legs and your arms on the steering wheel. It's pure freedom.”

“My uncles were part of a spinning team - they would help raise funds for schools through spinning, and I was always either a passenger or spectating on the side. I grew up in this community. I told my father that I wanted to get into it myself - at thirteen years old. He said I could, but that I had to work for it - the condition was that I had to make top 10 in my grade that year for academics. Needless to say, I made it into the top 10! So, I held up my end of the bargain, and so did he.”
As part of a handful of women across South Africa establishing themselves in the spinning scene, Aqueelah describes her passion for the sport, “I’m so grateful for this experience. It's the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done or been part of. A lot of people might doubt you - but I’ve always had people supporting and backing me. I was encouraged to do my best from day one.” Aqueelah’s story is testament to the community-forging power of street-drifting and spinning saying that “as a woman, it's very important to show that you can do it - whatever it is. I’m actually very introverted - but spinning has given me so much confidence. Once I’m in the car, I’m in my world; I’m free. I hope I can show that women can be part of whatever we want. This sport brings people together - men and women and I’ve seen us grow so much as a community.”

and specifically the drifting scene - we know we are participating in the birth of dreams. The only way we can express how this feels is through thankfulness; to tell the stories that matter the most, for those that have eyes to see and ears to listen.
This is the power of culture - creativity -community; our mantra. We know how much South Africa has to offer, and we are grateful that we get to share it with you.