Welcoming The New Originals
Building bridges between community and creatives through a shared passion for design is what continues to mark our vision at Lemkus - and we can’t think of a better brand to exemplify this philosophy than The New Originals. Based in Amsterdam, TNO is the brain-child of friends Rizky Lasahido, Maru Asmellash and Eben Badu; forged in 2015, it was initially a collective that made waves hosting infamous parties under the name TNO Sound-Systems.

Now, their label’s epitaph is so succinctly depicted as “performance clothing for creatives”; an ingenious acknowledgement of the immense cultural shift we have seen in the last few decades in which creatives truly are the wayshowers of the future, and those that stand at the forefront of what is possible, and a nod to their own origins as multi-hyphenated creatives. 

In years past, impossible feats had a tendency to be met by athletes - historic moments that led Michael Jordan’s basketball career to revolutionise sneakers, and the cultural occurrences we see now are made possible by the musicians, graphic designers, web developers, artists, writers and photographers around the world who capture these moments, archiving them as products and works that live on.

With a growing emphasis on streetwear as a democratic and accessible unifier of all these moving parts of culture, performance wear is becoming critical for people to navigate careers and life with comfort and consideration in what they wear. The New Originals are at the forefront of this - with numerous collaborations past and in the future, their recent collaboration with our ascending friends at Broke showcases what is possible for our South African scene; in a globalising world, transcending borders across continents is vital, and it’s happening as we speak. With that, we are incredibly excited to announce the release of The New Originals at Lemkus.

In chatting to TNO co-founder Eben Badu, he says ‘’A few years ago, the three of us found ourselves surrounded by immense creativity, and having each had careers at other brands - we learned a lot about product and story-telling. We wanted to offer something that had our own imprint on it, and being the descendent of immigrant parents, we wanted to create a path for us and our peers that spoke to our experience of creativity, culture and community.

I think story-telling is what drives us; The New Originals is a platform to explore what our friends and peers are doing in different industries, and creatives around the world.” Being based in Amsterdam, the brand has a central space in Europe to extend outwards to the world, and this continues to instil the values of TNO, Eben reflects on this; “Everyday we feel like students, we approach our work as a pursuit of learning. Travelling is a big part of this, which is why coming to Cape Town recently was so incredible - and next time we will head to Jozi, for sure. DJs, chefs - anyone who has their craft and passion - is a teacher to us, and we imagine the kind of stories and design that would benefit them.”

With the last few years of the pandemic, the world has met huge challenges; and Eben offers a compelling anecdote that has only further fueled The New Originals vision,

“Story-telling has never been more important. If you meet someone, what would you want to tell them if the world is burning? With all the intensity of the world, our work is to create memories. Community stitches that together for us, and so TNO is about building language that we can all understand. Amsterdam shaped our world, as there are over 100 nationalities here. It’s interesting to see what we can reach individually and collectively."

With their collections coming out as new ideas are born within the brand, The New Originals are dedicated to offering exceptional quality, and their brand mascot Freddie is an ambiguous cartoon figure that captures the essence of The New Originals. With many more stories to tell, and a huge legacy underway, we are honoured to be bringing some of TNO to our community here in South Africa.

The New Originals first drop at Lemkus - Available in-store and online on Lemkus.com on Monday, 23rd May '22

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